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Our VPN Package

Monday 06th February, 2023 | Company

Here at 21st Webb we believe in the importance of cybersecurity. That’s why we have been working on the security of our existing packages and platforms, as well as developing a new range of packages with enhanced security to be released later this year.

We released our VPN package less than 6 months ago, with great interest received from existing and new clients.

Whilst we already think our VPN package is great value for money, it’s always possible to do better. That’s why today we’re announcing a 100% increase to the device limit for each of our VPN account holders.

New and existing VPN package subscribers can now have up to 10 devices on their account at any one time, making our VPN package more accessible and better value for money than some of the other big names out there.

If you’re still not sure whether or not our VPN service is for you, why not check out our 60 second clip introducing you to the 21st Webb VPN service:

So for as little as £5.00 per month**, you can enjoy secure streaming, gaming, downloading and day-to-day browsing with no compromise on internet privacy and security.