Need to rollout testing for your workforce?
Rapid Test Log is designed to automate much of your testing process, allowing you to take stock of your test kits, log distribution, reveive test results, and automate low stock notifications and other alerts.
RTL is designed to aid testing in multiple areas of operation with its core features:
Unlimited Tests
Test Evidence Collection
Automated Alerts & Notifications
Test Kit Stock Control
In-built Support
Even more fatures…
Log Unlimited Tests
With Rapid Test Log, you can collect and store unlimited test results from your personnel, ensuring a robust log is in place in the event of an audit. RTL avoids the need for multiple spreadsheets, and ensures correctly formatted data for each test result, as and when it’s submitted by your personnel.
Test Evidence Collection
Rapid Test Log provides more than just a spreadsheet of test results. The simple online form automates much of the data entry for your personnel, but also collects photographic evidence of test results. This provides a more robust method for ensuring accurate testing, and correct result interpretation.
Automated Alerts & Notifications
With Rapid Test Log, you can ensure everyone is kept in the loop. Your personnel can receive customisable e-mail notifications to both a work and personal address, depending on what result they have submitted. Similarly, management can be informed only when certain results are submitted, allowing you to focus on actionable events.
Customisable Branding
The application is also highly customizable, allowing custom branding and messages / text to be applied to the homepage and within the application itself. All email templates used by the system are also fully customizable, allowing any subject and message to be defined in HTML format.
Test Kit Stock Control
Rapid Test Log is designed around the receipt and distribution of large batches of test kits. Whilst spreadsheets alone can keep track of who has been given what kit, RTL uses this information to ensure your personnel enter only the correct kit information and keeps track on when kits are running low. With RTL, you can instantly see how many kits you have in stock, and how many your personnel have left, helping you manage the supply and distribution process.
Extensive Knowledgebase
Setup of any new system can be a daunting task for both you and your clients; however, RTL comes with an extensive knowledgebase full of easy-to-follow articles on how to use the system; written by the developer. A ‘Help’ link is always on hand throughout the system to aid you or your clients, reducing the number of support queries being directed your way.
RTL has already helped manage:
Test Kit Distributions
Test Results
Want to find out more?
Would you like to find out more about Rapid Test Log system, how it works, how it can be utilised and more importantly – how it can help you deliver your medical testing rollout? Contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.